knowledge askdir
knowledge askdir
Retrieve sources for a query from a dataset generated from a directory
knowledge askdir [--path <path>] <query> [flags]
--auto-migrate string Auto migrate database ($KNOW_DB_AUTO_MIGRATE) (default "true")
--concurrency int Number of concurrent ingestion processes ($KNOW_INGEST_CONCURRENCY) (default 10)
-c, --config-file string Path to the configuration file ($KNOW_CONFIG_FILE)
--dedupe-func string Name of the deduplication function to use ($KNOW_INGEST_DEDUPE_FUNC)
--embedding-model-provider string Embedding model provider ($KNOW_EMBEDDING_MODEL_PROVIDER) (default "openai")
--err-on-unsupported-file Error on unsupported file types ($KNOW_INGEST_ERR_ON_UNSUPPORTED_FILE)
--flow string Flow name ($KNOW_FLOW)
--flows-file string Path to a YAML/JSON file containing ingestion/retrieval flows ($KNOW_FLOWS_FILE) (default "blueprint:default")
-h, --help help for askdir
--ignore-extensions string Comma-separated list of file extensions to ignore ($KNOW_INGEST_IGNORE_EXTENSIONS)
--ignore-file string Path to a .gitignore style file ($KNOW_INGEST_IGNORE_FILE)
--include-hidden Include hidden files and directories ($KNOW_INGEST_INCLUDE_HIDDEN)
--index-dsn string Index Database Connection string (relational DB) (default "sqlite://$XDG_DATA_HOME/gptscript/knowledge/knowledge.db") ($KNOW_INDEX_DSN)
-w, --keyword strings Keywords that retrieved documents must contain ($KNOW_RETRIEVE_KEYWORDS)
--no-create-dataset Do NOT create the dataset if it doesn't exist ($KNOW_INGEST_NO_CREATE_DATASET)
--no-prune Do not prune deleted files ($KNOW_ASKDIR_NO_PRUNE)
--no-recursive Don't recursively ingest directories ($KNOW_NO_INGEST_RECURSIVE)
-p, --path string Path to the directory to query ($KNOWLEDGE_CLIENT_ASK_DIR_PATH) (default ".")
--server string URL of the Knowledge API Server ($KNOW_SERVER_URL)
-k, --top-k int Number of sources to retrieve ($KNOWLEDGE_CLIENT_ASK_DIR_TOP_K) (default 10)
--vector-dsn string DSN to the vector database (default "chromem:$XDG_DATA_HOME/gptscript/knowledge/vector.db") ($KNOW_VECTOR_DSN)