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Managing Datasets

Knowledge lets you create multiple datasets. Each dataset is a separate knowledge base that you can feed files into. In the Vector Database, each dataset is stored as a separate collection of vectors (vector space) that Knowledge will search against.

Dataset Lifecycle

The Knowledge tool has a default dataset that will be used whenever no dataset is specified via flag or environment variable. When using askdir, a dataset will be created automatically with an ID generated from the absolute path to the target directory. You can also create datasets manually using the create-dataset command - see below.

Create a Dataset

# knowledge create-dataset <dataset-id> [flags]
knowledge create-dataset my-dataset
Expected Output
$ knowledge create-dataset my-dataset
2024/07/11 09:45:27 INFO Created dataset id=my-dataset
Created dataset "my-dataset"

Ingest a file into a specific Dataset

knowledge ingest --dataset my-dataset docs/docs/10-datasets/
Expected Output
$ knowledge ingest --dataset my-dataset docs/docs/10-datasets/
2024/07/11 09:50:53 INFO Ingested document count=6 absolute_path=<path>/docs/docs/10-datasets/
Ingested 1 files from "docs/docs/10-datasets/" into dataset "my-dataset"

Get existing Datasets

If you just want an overview of what datasets exist in your Knowledge datastore, list them out like this:

knowledge list-datasets
Expected Output
$ knowledge list-datasets                                          

If you need more details and even want to see, what files/documents are inside a dataset, get it specifically:

knowledge get-dataset my-dataset
Expected Output
$ knowledge get-dataset my-dataset                                          

Too many details in the get-dataset output? Use the --no-docs flag to hide the information about included documents.

Modify a Dataset

You can modify existing Datasets, e.g. to provide more information about them in the form of metadata. (In fact, at the moment, editing Dataset metadata is the only thing you can do here)

knowledge edit-dataset my-dataset --update-metadata description="Technical Documentation about the GPTScript Knowledge Tool"
Expected Output
$ knowledge edit-dataset my-dataset --update-metadata description="Technical Documentation about the GPTScript Knowledge Tool"
Updated dataset:
{"id":"my-dataset","Files":null,"metadata":{"description":"Technical Documentation about the GPTScript Knowledge Tool"}}

EOL: Delete a Dataset

The Dataset got dirty, or you just don't need it anymore? Get rid of it!

knowledge delete-dataset my-dataset
Expected Output
$ knowledge delete-dataset my-dataset
2024/07/11 10:01:11 INFO Deleting dataset id=my-dataset
Deleted dataset "my-dataset"

Dataset Metadata

Dataset can have arbitrary metadata in the form of key-value pairs (map, dict, whatever you want to call it). This metadata serves two purposes (at the moment):

  1. Help humans to understand what's inside a dataset
  2. Help an LLM to understand what's inside a dataset
    • This is quite interesting, e.g. when used with the routing retriever, which presents the list of available datasets to the LLM and the LLM decides, which dataset(s) to query to get a meaningful answer.